Andrew Eil, Consultant


Climate Finance Advisors

“Protecting low-income communities through climate insurance: Achievements from the InsuResilience Investment Fund.” December 2020, with Acclimatise for the InsuResilience Investment Fund. Co-author.

“Financing the Green and Just Recovery.” December 2020, for C40 Cities. Co-author.

“Accelerating and Innovating Climate Action: A Retrospective of the World Bank’s Experience with Select Climate and Carbon Trust Funds.” July 2020, for the World Bank Group. Co-author.

“SCENARIO ANALYSIS FOR SYSTEMIC CLIMATE RISK: The Case for Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Macro-economic Indicators Used by Institutional Investors.” September 2019, with Ortec Finance. Co-author.

“Cities Should Bank on Climate Resilience.” Climate Finance Advisors. July 28, 2017.

For other publications prepared by Climate Finance Advisors, please visit CFA’s website.

Other Climate Finance Advisors blog posts, September 2018 to present, on the CFA website.

“La politique environnementale des Etats-Unis à l’ère Trump. ” (“Environmental Policy in the Trump Era”, published in French). Centre Thucydide, ‘Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales’. July 2, 2018. 

Peer Review on Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reforms in Vietnam. February 2018. Contributor.

Peer Review on Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reforms in Chinese Taipei. July 2017. Contributor.

Peer Review on Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reforms in the Philippines. July 2016. Contributor.

“New Report: Protecting Low-Income Communities through Climate Insurance.” Acclimatise News. December 10, 2020. Co-author.

“Ten Tips to Access Finance for the Green Recovery.” C40 Knowledge Hub. December 9, 2020. Co-author.

“Technical Report: The Case for a Green and Just Recovery.” C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, October 2020. Contributor.

Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

Decoupled net present value: protecting assets against climate change risk by consistently capturing the value of resilient and adaptable investments.” Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure. December 9, 2022. Co-author. 

“Evaluation of GEF Engagement with the Private Sector.”Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office, Global Environment Facility, Washington, D.C. October 2017. Contributing Author.

Sims, R., V. Gorsevski and S. Anenberg (2015). Black Carbon Mitigation and the Role of the Global Environment Facility: A STAP Advisory Document. Global Environment Facility, Washington, D.C., Contributor.

“Cycling Infrastructure in Cities: Bogotá’s Quinto Centenario Cycle Avenue.” C40 Cities Finance Facility. January 2018. Co-author.

“Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting: ESCO Delivery Model Case Study, Asian Electronics Ltd., India.”ESMAP. Spring 2016.

“Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting: Joint Procurement Delivery Model Case Study, Ontario, Canada.” ESMAP. Spring 2016.

“ENERGY AND MINING SECTOR BOARD DISCUSSION PAPER, Paper No. 23, June 2011. Household Energy Access for Cooking and Heating: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward.” Koffi Ekouevi and Voravate Tuntivate. Contributing author.

“Black Carbon: A Review and Policy Recommendations.”January 2009. Co-author.

“Dirty Stacks, High Stakes: An Overview of Brick Sector in South Asia.” World Bank Group, April 2020. Co-author.

“Proven delivery models for LED public lighting : synthesis of six case studies.” World Bank Group. May 2016.

“Promotion of New Clean Energy Technologies and the World Bank Group.” Background Paper for the World Bank Group Energy Sector Strategy. January 2011. Co-author.

“A NEW LOOK AT AN OLD PROBLEM: Household Cookstoves, Environment, Health, and Climate Change.”THE WORLD BANK. May 2011. Co-author.

Andrew Eil