Andrew Eil, Consultant


Andrew Eil is currently Head of Climate Risk for North America with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), where he provides advisory services for banks, insurers, and other financial institutions. With TCS, Andrew specializes in assessing and managing physical and transition risk using emerging techniques such as scenario analysis and stress testing paired with quantitative risk modeling, data analytics, and automation technologies.

From 2018 to 2021, Andrew was a Partner at Climate Finance Advisors (CFA), a boutique advisory firm operating at the intersection of climate change policy and financial markets. With CFA and as an independent consultant from 2014 to 2018 specializing in climate change and clean energy policy, international development, and sustainable investing, Andrew served clients including the World Bank, the Green Climate Fund, UN Development Program, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), U.N. Environment, Climate-KIC, the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Bloomberg LLP, and Bright Power (a distributed energy analytics and services firm). With CFA, Andrew worked across the firm’s four practice areas: developing climate strategies; appraising and structuring climate-smart investments; mobilizing, catalyzing, and leveraging public and private capital; and incorporating climate risk considerations into financial products, services, and operations. 

Since early 2022, Andrew has been the creative director and moderator of the Global Adaptation and Resilience (GARI) Working Group virtual speaker series. He is also a senior advisor for Team Wildfire, an emerging wildfire suppression technology company, and for CLAIM8, an AI- and geospatial data-driven strategy risk firm specializing in scenario analysis and geopolitical and market intelligence. In addition to advising numerous climate tech startups and venture capital funds, Andrew is an active climate tech angel investor and serves as a super-angel sourcing investment opportunities for Alumni Ventures.

Since spring 2023, Andrew has been an opinion writer for the Observer on climate changereprising a role he had from 2015 to 2018. Since January 2023, he has also been a contributing columnist with Illuminem on sustainability and climate change issues.

As coordinator of climate assistance programs for the U.S. Department of State from 2010 to 2014, Andrew managed clean energy programs and diplomatic initiatives designed to assist developing countries to accelerate their transition to low-carbon growth pathways. Andrew also advised Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern on climate policy. His program and policy areas of focus included short-lived climate pollutants (methane, black carbon, and hydrofluorocarbons), energy efficiency and off-grid solar power, and geographic regions including India, Russia, and the Arctic. 

Prior to the State Department, Andrew worked as a consultant for the World Bank and International Finance Corporation from 2009 to 2010, contributing a paper for the World Bank Group’s energy strategy on early-stage energy technology investment. From 2003 to 2007, Andrew worked at the Eurasia Foundation’s Central Asia regional office in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where he as director of development built and managed a portfolio of government- and privately-funded programs to promote civic engagement, entrepreneurship, and improved public administration in the former Soviet Union. 

Andrew has a masters in public affairs with a focus on international development and climate change from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton (2009) and a BA in Russian history and literature from Harvard (2002). A Fulbright fellow in Moscow (2002-03) and a Critical Language Study fellow in Harbin, China (summer 2009), he is fluent in Russian and French and conversant in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. He is a CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) candidate, level II (2014), SASB Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) candidate, level II (2017), holder of the Columbia University certificate in sustainable finance (2020), and 2016 alumnus of the Echoing Green Direct Impact program (a selective training program for board service with emerging non-profits). Andrew is also pursuing a certificate in venture capital and private equity at the Columbia Business School, expected in fall 2023.

For more details, please see Andrew’s LinkedIn page.

Andrew Eil